Carson City is hosting an informational session on the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program application process. Non-profit organizations and government agencies qualify to receive funding through the program.
CDBG: Carson City receives an annual allocation of CDBG funding from the Governor's Office of Economic Development for community development projects. A maximum of 15% of the annual allocation may be awarded for qualifying Public Services projects such as counseling for abused children, emergency housing services, counseling and testing, public safety services, fair housing activities, services for senior citizens and homeless persons, drug abuse counseling and treatment, and similar programs. The public service must be either a new service or a quantifiable increase in the level of an existing service. The applying agency must track and/or show data that verifies the increase in service in the application.
Additionally, 75% of the annual allocation is awarded for Public Improvement projects. Qualifying Public Improvement projects include a wide range of activities directed at revitalizing neighborhoods, economic development, and improved facilities and services. Ten percent of the total allocation is reserved for administration costs.
In order to be eligible for funding, every CDBG-funded activity must qualify as meeting one of the following three national objectives of the program:
1. Provide primary benefit to low-to-moderate income (LMI) persons/households (serve an area or clientele where at least 51 % of the persons have a median household income at or below 80% of the Carson City median household income).
2. Aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight.
3. Meet other development needs having a particular urgency because existing conditions pose a serious and immediate threat to the health and welfare of the community and other financial resources are not available. If you project meets the 3rd requirement, your agency must apply directly through the Nevada Governor's Office of Economic Development for direct CDBG funding.
The term of the CDBG grant is a 12-month period running from July 1 through June 30 of the following year. Current applications are for the 12-month period beginning July 1, 2019. All planning and program grant projects must incur all costs during the 12 month period. All construction grant project costs must be incurred during an 18 month period. (Costs incurred prior to the grant period are not eligible). All CDBG funds are paid on a reimbursement basis for actual costs directly related to the approved projects and only those costs described in the budget and narrative. Receipts, invoices, copies of cancelled checks or fund transfers must accompany all draw requests. In addition, any agency applying for Federal funding must have an active registration. The SAM registration must accompany all draw requests for Public Improvement projects. Grant recipients must be able to accurately track the income levels of the clients in order to verify their eligibility. Informational Session CDBG Letter 2019-2020